Metatranscriptomics Analysis
Workflow Analysis
Stage 1
​Data processing
Quality control and assembly
Taxonomic classification
Taxonomic abundance
Extraction of the community profile and visualization
Functional information
Normalize the abundances
Identify the gene families involved in the pathways
Group gene families into GO terms
Combining taxonomic and functional information
Stage 2
Network Analysis
Computing data and visualization of the results: (Statistical visualization which includes heatmaps, tabular, Venn diagram, bar charts, clusters, etc.)
Report (Materials and Method, Results and References)
The workflow as we have shown you entails the steps of bioinformatics analysis to be carried out for your data and each is unique to the workflow designed for the final outcome.
The analysis will be conducted providing your desired visualization for each major steps.
The following will be provided after the complete job is done.
Assembly genome sequence
A detailed draft of a report containing the materials and methods, results, and references
Visualizations (figures)
Technical support: A live zoom session will be held to explain and discuss the results with you.